Today on 23/03/2024 The Rt Rev Dr Mugisha M Samuel led a delegation of 40 Diocesan leaders who work in different Diocesan institutions and departments on a tour to visit 2 beautiful storied churches under construction in Gasebeya Archdeaconry Burera District.
The purpose of the visit was to see the progress of those churches and to support to speed its completion. One of the churches (Kabyaza) is located in the area at University of Global Health Equity Butaro and the students are part of the congregation.
In his sermon, the Bishop encouraged Christians to give wholeheartedly as one way of thanking God for what He has done for them. His emphasis was from Hagai 1:1-10 (A call to build the House of the Lord).
The day was joyful and God helped everyone in attendance to contribute towards the construction of these churches .
Burera District local leaders were also present.
Continue to pray for these 2 big churches coming up on the hill of Burera District.
Praise be To GOD

Kabyaza Parish under construction

It was a joyful moment for the Christians

On arrival the delegation first visited the Gasebeya Archdeaconry

Kabyaza parish

Some students of the University of Global Health Equity – Butaro Campus


The visit ended at Kabyaza Parish, it’s a very big beautiful church