Saving Group Ministry


Saving Group Ministry mission is to invest in the dreams of families in the world’s under served communities as they proclaim and live the gospel. Saving Group Ministry works to empower men and women to break the cycles of physical and spiritual poverty through discipleship, biblical based training, savings services, and small loans.


Saving Groups :           We started 2018 , Actually we have 1214 groups graduated in

December 2020

Group members :        Actually we have 26.751  groups members in December 2020

Savings  :                        Actually  we have 198.870.378 frw for savings  .

Group members had got livestock (cows,pigs, sheep,goats, chicken,…), school fees,mattress, house materials and created different businesses .

Some photos shows other activities of Saving Group Ministry in Shyira Diocese.

In January 2021 we started second phase Saving Group Ministry in 20 local church. 14 church facilitators are trained to work in 14 local churches. Up to now we have 59 healthy saving groups . The covid-19 pandemic has stopped the Saving Group Ministry growth.


Share out of distribution of 19 cows in Murambo Parish
Ndi hano Mwami ntuma Saving group
Saving Group Members sharing

This is a Saving Ministry Group in EAR Rusambu called ABISHYIZEHAMWE. Made up of 23 Members they have a Saving of 1000 frws per Months

ABISHYIZEHAMWE Saving Group Ministry
Saving Group from Rugendabare Sharing Piglets

This is a Saving Group Ministry from EAR Gashaki. It has 25 members They save 250 frws per week . it is called DUSHYIGIKIRANE