EAR Diocese of SHYIRA normally counts 19 Projects supported by Compassion International. Those projects are found in 9 Archdeaconries which make this Diocese. The main functions of those projects are from compassion International. As it is found on its platform, Compassion International is a Christian child development organization dedicated to releasing children from poverty. The ministry to children is twofold which means that they work through local churches to provide child development programs to deliver children from
Compassion Team at WorkSome of the Children with Knitted BagsDevotion and Prater TimeSupporting a Member during Child DeliveryOne of the House Built for a MemberTeam working Together
Spiritual poverty
Some of the Clothes they madeCompassion Crafts TeamCompassion Tailoring TeamCompassion Sewing TeamCompassion Knitting Team
Enabling them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. And they speak out for children in poverty – informing, motivating and equipping others to become advocates for children.
Children Support by Compassion Project
EAR SHYIRA Diocese is among the Denominations which work with Compassion International. As they share the mission of eradicating both poverty of the heart and the poverty of the body. In 19 Projects found in this Diocese, 4944 Children from different poor families are supported. They count 78 employees where 28 are men and 50 are women. They are working in 4 Districts. That is to say MUSANZE, BURERA, GAKENKE and NYABIHU Districts. We focus on the following aspects for serving our beneficiaries:
Social Emotional
Compassion Saving Groups
Let’s mention some achievements:
Families affected by Flooding and Natural Hazards
In Musanze Gakenke and Burera Districts, three projects of SHYIRA Diocese have become Center of Excellence. Other Projects might come to learn from them. And new programs are tried in those Projects. They are by name RW0736 EAR GAKENKE, RW0737 EAR JOMBA and RW0822 EAR KARUGANDA
We have two survival programs at RW0736 GAKENKE and RW0822 KARUGANDA;Compassion Survival was launched in 2003 and is Compassion’s earliest intervention within the ministry’s holistic child development model to combat global infant and maternal mortality rates and promote early childhood development. The program helps when risk is highest-during pregnancy and the first year of life.
Developmental Projects have started in all those Projects. That’s to say Agricultural and Breeding, tailoring, Knitting, Hairdressing, Carpentry, and so on.
In all 19 Projects found in DIOCESE as it is said, they support 4944 ; 29 children are in different universities, and 1378 are in secondary, 1719 in Primary, 1250 in nursery and 324 in TVET. It is for a great importance to have such number in Diocese who are being educated and helped in those projects.
It started a mutual fund of all employees working in those projects.
Needy families got shelter and animal husbandry.
All caregivers have been gathered in in 248 associations
Many beneficiaries born again and accept Jesus Christ as their savior.
Compassion Choir performingGuests at the SeminarPeople in the SeminarSeminar supported by CompassionCompassion Team in Gakenke
To keep in advocating for vulnerable families and children.
To make advocacy for parishes which need new projects
Amelioration of the functioning of mutual fund of employees
Keep in preparing caregivers to help themselves by giving them trainings on developmental projects.
To train children and encouraging them to join Vocational schools (TVET) so that they can create their own jobs.
Support Given to Families Children playing in Free timeSchool Bags given to ChildrenLivestock given to ChildrenLivestock given to Children