
Transformed Lives Through the Word of God
To make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all
CBS Values:
CBS trust God and his Word to transform lives.
CBS is a ministry led by the Holy Spirit.
CBS is every person’s Bible study.
CBS is a team ministry.
CBS is to serve the Body of Christ

CBS (Community Bible Study) in Shyira Diocese


CBS is one global ministry including Adults, Children and Youth.

We study books of the Bible in a systematic, in- depth way. We can mature and grow in our

 Relationship with Christ.

 God’s word equips us for every good work (2Tim.3:16-17)

CBS in Shyira Diocese started in 2008 in the Cathedral  and in 2009 we stared the training of Archdeacons , Pastors  and Catechists  about the methodology  of Bible study using the CBS material in Adults program  then we continued the training with CBS leaders in all parishes of Shyira Diocese and Free-church and in 2014  started  Youth and Children  program  in Sunday schools and in the primary and high schools.

From Shyira Diocese , CBS  is now expended in all the Diocese of Anglican Church in the country and alliance churches.

In January 2020, SHYIRA Diocese covered a number of 34 116 CBS adults students with 1 724 small groups and 605 Classes and in CBS C&Y covered a number of 19,104 participants

 (16 353 participants in Sunday schools in all Parishes and 2 751 participants in primary and high schools).

The purpose of CBS in Shyira Diocese is that everyone should be in the word of God and be transformed by the word of God that is why we continue to train CBS leaders and making follow up and meetings in order of encouraging people to study the bible at home and in the groups from their cells in local churches.

People are encouraged to bear fruits of the Holy Spirit which are charity actions (John 13:35)

Some of the CBS students visited the sick people, prayed for them and gave them the helps and other needy were helped. The old houses for those who don’t have means have been built and repaid; those who don’t have food have been given and many people have testimonies on how their lives have been changed.

We advocated for the children who live with their parents in prison and they are given eggs every week. We make follow up of the CBS class in Musanze prison, Adults CBS students in prison were given Bibles and CBS material and the  leaders of the prison testified for them on how their lives have been changed because of the word of God.

The Bishop of Shyira Diocese bought for them 2 speakers to help them in worship time.


We continue advocating for the people who cannot afford bible and CBS lesson books, in our local churches, in primary and high schools we have a big number of people who don’t have means to buy bibles and CBS lesson books for themselves.

CBS as an evangelistic tool, is used to spiritual strengthen to the church members and makes them wise into salvation.

As Shyira Diocese covers 105,000 church members, we pray that all of them study the bible and their lives be transformed by God’s word.

CBS has 5 essential elements which help people to study the Bible:

1) – Individual study                                                                                                                   

2) -Small group discussion

3) -Teaching

4) -Commentary

5)  -Love and caring for one another.


Mrs GAKWAYA Therese

The individual at home :

The CBS members answer home study questions to gain personal insights into that week’s Bible passage.

One on One Bible Study

Small group sharing:

Once a week, CBS members meet in small group. They not only learns from God in their individual study, but also from each other during the sharing time.

Small group Bible Study

The small group sharing time has 4 main purposes:

  1. Motivate to come with homework done.
  2. Create an open space where one can freely talk and share on spiritual issues without constraint or rebuttal. A space where the person will be listening to respected and accepted. It is the time to share what God has revealed to each one during the week.
  3. Give an opportunity to speak and hear oneself express Biblical principles discovered in the personal study. This is an important element of the receiving and accepting process.
  4. Give an opportunity to hear peers express the same biblical principles (maybe in a different way or perspective) I have discovered in my own study.

N.B. : I this way, a person will have discovered by himself, heard himself express it, and also heard his peers express the Biblical principles of the studied passage of the Bible. He will be ready for the next step.

Group Bible Study
  • Exhortation

After small group sharing, students from small groups come together in class and then the class leader teaches them on that week’s lesson and gives overall insight into the passage.

The role of the CBS class leader is not to teach new things, but to restate the Biblical principles that have been already discovered, express and shared by the members during the previous steps. Maybe the class leader will deepen thought, take it one step further,but it will be the same Biblical principles. In any case, his/her most important role is to, in contemporary terms, transform that Biblical principle in something the members can do and exhort them to do. I t must lead then to action. The teaching help will guide the class leader to an effective lecture.

Bible Study with CBS Leaders
  • Commentaries

The commentary is included at the end of each lesson and is to be read after the class teaching. This explains the Bible passage from the lesson in more detail.

  1. Love and Caring

This is the cornerstone of Community Bible Study. Each member should be loved and cared for, especially by the leaders of the group. ‘’All men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another: ‘’John 13:35.

Help given to the family who lost their mother.

Love and Caring to CBS Members

Help given to a CBS member.

CBS Youth members built a house for one of the CBS members.

Youth Team Building a House for CBS Members

CBS helped 100 families who were devastated by the flood.

Eggs provided to the children living with their parents in prison and 2 speakers given to the CBS students in Musanze prison by the Bishop of Shyira Diosese.

Training of CBS Leaders

CBS Group Leaders in a Seminar

Children who know to read and write have been given Bibles to help them in Bible study.

CBS Children Group

Meeting of the Bishop of Shyira Diocese with Pastors and CBS leaders.

Bishop Sam Mugisha Speaking to Church Leaders

Testimonies of Children, Youth and Adult on how their lives have been transformed by the word of God.

Testimony of MANIRERE Julienne

My name is MANIRERE Julienne   from Tandagura CBS C&Y Class, I was born in 2009. Before joining our CBS C&Y Class I did not know Jesus Christ, I did whatever I wanted without taking care of others, I would insult people, I would fight and I did not how to pray. But I thank Jesus because when they started teaching us the bible in our CBS C&Y Class, I got to know who Jesus is, His LOVE, Mercy and compassion to me. i now read my bible ,I have learnt how to pray and to give everything to Jesus. I now have hope of new life and the joy in Him. i know one day He will take me in heaven .today I serve Him through loving my fellow children, obeying my parents ,going to church to pray and studying my bible every day. May God bless you.

Testmony of Lucky Uwineza

My name is Lucky Uwineza from Ruhengeri Pre-school in top class. I am 6 years old. I like the gift of bible that God gave us. I am interested to see different things that God has created that people need. For example: air to breathe, water for drinking, etc

Testimony of Nyirandorimana Emima

My name is  NYIRANDORIMANA Emima from  Sinayi CBS Class, Gako chapel . Tandagura Community. I was born in 1993 I am single    and I have 1 child. Before getting saved, I was an adulterous girl and I never got peace at all. I always wanted to commit suicide. i only got peace when i joined a CBS Class, they taught me the word of God, I believed in  Jesus Christ to be my Lord and my savior, then I got saved, I continued to study the bible ,I read it in my home and in our CBS Class, I now feel peace ,joy and tranquillity in my life. My life has changed a lot. I am now following Jesus Christ and His ways, I no longer get drunkard, I no longer commit adultery, my passion today is to always seek Jesus in His word   the bible and to please Him .Amen.

Testimony of NZAMURAMBAHO Floriane

My name is NZAMURAMBAHO Floriane  from Betaniya  CBS Class, Gako chapel in Tandagura Community. I was born in 1985 i am married   and I have 3 children. Before getting saved, I was a drunkard, I never read the bible and I did not know how to pray. God helped me one day I joined a CBS Class in our neighborhood and the word of God untied the ropes the devil had tied me and I was set free, I gave my life to Jesus, he forgave my sins and made me a child of God. I continued to study the word of God, I witnessed it to other people and they also came to Jesus. My determination is to go on studying the bible, so that I grow deeper in salvation which Jesus Christ gave me and to bring other