Today on 26/08/2023 is Day Three of the international Revival Convention organized by Shyira Diocese headed by Rt Rev Dr Samuel Mugisha Mugiraneza, The theme is found in John 14:6: Jesus answered ” I am the way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the father except through me”. The attendants were almost 4 thousand, The first Preacher in the morning session was Rt Rev.Rukundo Methode Jean, He shared from Isaiah 35:8 and Matthew 7:13-14. Key message was:
- We should know where we are coming from and destination point in Christian life.
- We should be having guiding principles which should help us to be real children of God.
- Youths should be aware of how to lead their lives.
Pastor Desire Norman as second preacher also shared from John 14:6 and John 4:1-12
- Jesus is the way for the people who failed in other ways.
- Jesus is the one who decreed himself as Truth and life of world.
- Jesus knows everything that concern us, He is able to rescue us in every trials we go through.
Let all come to the Savior and he wants to be our redeemer in every problem and bondage.
The concluding preacher was Rev.Can.Murindabigwi and he shared from Isaiah 45:1-7
God will go ahead of you.
- He will break up all chains from your arms.
- God’s plans never fail and he fulfill the promise.
- God’s restore our hope and encourage you to step forward to our promise.
- God’s wants to see people being changed and transformed in Jesus name.
- God is always calling his people to enter in him.
As a result of God’s Gospel 160 people accepted Jesus Christ as king and Savior of their lives.
We thank God for the miracle and wonders of day three session of the conference.
We thank everyone who contributed to make this day happen.
Glory be to God !!!

Bishops and Rev RYAN BARNET

Choir Worship God

Rt Rev RUKUNDO Methode He shared from Isaiah 35:8 and Matthew 7:13-14

Rev.Can.Murindabigwi and he shared from Isaiah 45:1-7 praying for the people that accepted Jesus Christ as king and Savior of their lives.

The attendant enjoying the service

Pastor Desire Norman as second preacher also shared from John 14:6 and John 4:1-12 with Rev. RUKIMBIRA Maurice as a Translator

Time for Praise and Worship

Praying for the people that accepted Jesus Christ as king and Savior of their lives.


Accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord


Upendo Choir from Tanzania

Hoziyana Choir

Topic of Building /having a blessed home/family shared by Rev Dr Mike Stear

Rt Rev Louis Muvunyi Teaching on the Topic of Building /having a blessed home/family

Let no one despise you for your youth…(1Tim4:12) shared by Rev. NKUNDABASHAKA Aime Richard and Rev VUGUZIGA Olivier

The Topic of Building /having a blessed home/family shared by Rev.Can.Murindabigwi John